45 Years - and still counting!
So, what's the big deal about being in the beauty business for 45 years? (also known as 101102 in the binary number system) Well... a...

So I wrote a very nice blog post in this space this morning but the nasty clutch of five online bad-mouthers that were making me nuts are...

Things that make you go hmmmm?
Do you remember that song Things That Make You Go Hmmmm? I do. Things that make me go hmmmm happens to me a lot....

But you didn't answer my question...
If I didn't respond to your question it is because I've already spend hundreds of hours answering your question, ON OUR WEB PAGES! "How...

Four Types Of Students, or What-EV-rrrr
We are frequently asked why our enrollment is so selective. It is simply to manage our salon culture and to provide the best environment...

Are You Accredited?
We don't get this question every day but we are asked this question from time to time. Most people don't actually understand what...

Dolphins - Things We Learn While Traveling #5
A couple of years ago we did a Dolphin experience in Key Largo. Florida. The name of this place was Dolphins Plus. We didn't know much...

Gondola - Things We Learn While Traveling #4
"The rule is that there are no rules." Aristotle Onassis Gondolas. If you have ever paddled a canoe or a kayak it quickly becomes very...

Terroir - Things We Learn While Traveling #3
Terroir “Wine is sunlight, held together by water.” Galileo Galilei Terroir - The French have a great word called "Terroir". Terroir can...

New Shoes - Things We Learn While Traveling #2
Camden Locks Leather Shop “A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are...