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MetrOasis LLC Advanced Training Center & Beauty School is the premier boutique beauty school of Alaska, located in mid-town
Anchorage. 907.276.4110
Blue Sappire Facial

The Blue Sapphire Facial is one of our newest and most unusual facials that utilizes K9 Synthetic Borasillicate crystals that are heated to activate the Blue Spirulina (Phycocyanin) in our treatment mask. Blye Spirulina is a blue-green algae that is harvested from alkaline lakes near volcanic activity.
Blue Spirulina is the most nutritious compound (ounce for ounce) found on earth that provides vitamins, minerals, iron, and antioxidants, as well as supporting the immune system.
We also utilize organic Starflower (Borage) oil, Aloe, glycerin, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and DMAE (Dimethylethanolamine), which help eliminate forehead lines and crowsfeet lines, and MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), to super-moisturize and re-energize your skin treating you to an elegant and luxurious facial treatment that you can't find anywhere else!
This facial treatment includes:
cleansing treatment with SalonParisian DMAE Smoothing Creme
toner with SalonParisian Cucumber Toner
vitamin C serum treatment
moisturizing treatment
blue spirulina & starflower oil mask treatment
facial massage
hot K9 borosilicate crystal massage
hydroderm treatment
Oxygen treatment

Call Sue now at
to book
your own
Blue Sapphire Facial

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