MetrOasis LLC Advanced Training Center & Beauty School is the premier boutique beauty school of Alaska, located in mid-town
Anchorage. 907.276.4110

MetrOasis LLC Beauty School & Advanced Training Center
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If you have a difficult time with our book-online system, please call us at 907-276-4110 Wednesday through Saturday and talk with Sue and she can book your appointment for you.
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MetrOasis is also home to Hiromi at Matcha Hair Studio. If you prefer an appointment with a professional, licensed stylist, feel free to call her at 907-433-9076. Hiromi does not help with MetrOasis booking so call Sue if you need help booking with students. Thank you.
If you like booking your appointments online but would like to use your phone, these are the links for the Acuity app.
Apple iOS https://itunes.apple.com/…/…/acuity-scheduling/id1179146771…#
Hair Services
with Students
Shampoo Set..........................................14
Short Color..............................................42
Long Color..............................................55+
Short Highlight........................................37
Long Highlight........................................55
Occipital Color........................................33
Color Splash...........................................33
Partial Perm............................................35
Short Perm.............................................42
Long Perm..............................................60
Special wrap................................... add 20
Scalp Massage......................................15
Deep Conditioning..................................6
Esthetics Services
with Students
Primal Earth Facial................................18
Grounded (earthing) Facial Add-On ..... NEW!
Paraffin Facial.......................................21
Acne Facial...........................................34
Signature Facial...................................39
Hot Stone Facial...................................39
Blue Sapphire Facial............................ NEW!
See the Light Facial..............................47
Microcurrent NoSurgery Face Lift........39
Croatian Nettle Facial...........................42
Ring of Fire Facial ............................... NEW!
Green Fairy Facial...............................42
Japanese Matcha Tea Facial................39
Fiji Pearl Facial.....................................42
La Rochelle Seaweed Facial................42
Indian Honey-Ginger Facial ...............$42
Normandy Apple Cider Cider Facial...$42
Egyptian Yogurt Facial ...................... $43 NEW!
Dragon Facial .....................................$45 NEW!
20 Minute Add-ons
Waxing Services
Brow, lip, or chin ..................................11
Half leg..................................................24
Full leg..................................................36
Makeup Services
Special Effects.....................................30
Things you need to know about hair color before you book your appointment -
Hair color is measured in 10 levels. Level 1 is the darkest natural black. Level 10 is the lightest natural blonde. All the other colors are equally divided between 1 and 10.
Shade is the actual color family that a color falls into. These are different with each hair color product, but many are similar.
Contributing pigment -
Contributing pigment - Hair color is made up of red, blue and yellow. All color products have a color base. You'll hear stories about "Our bases are green." or "Our bases are purple." One color company says that "Our bases are all equal parts yellow, red and blue." All of these statements are nonsense. Color manufacturers have no clue what color you have before you put a hair color product on your head and they have to start somewhere so they start with your contributing pigment.

When you decolorize your hair with either bleach or hair color, the first color to leave is blue, second is red and finally the yellow goes. Knowing this will help you make sense of the chart to the left. If you have black hair or you have black hair color in your hair, as it decolorizes the underlying pigment begins to show. If you've ever tried to bleach your hair you've watched this process work.
If you decolorize your hair, starting with black and you lift it 4 levels to a "light brown" the "light brown" is a name of the level in a neutral shade. Notice that "light brown" when it is decolorized is really bright orange. You may also have experienced this color. THIS is where hair color manufacturers begin their formulations. 5N hair color or 5 "natural" or 5 "natural" is really green hair color. If you combine the green pigment in the shiny metal tube with the bright orange that is the foundation of your hair color at level 5, the combination creates the little swatch that you selected. If, on the other hand you have already decolorized your hair to a 8, 9 or 10 level, you're missing red that the color manufacturer expected to be in your hair, so you'll combine bright yellow in the contributing pigment in your hair with the green pigment in the tube and you'll end up with lime green hair, which is a considerable distance from the swatch that you picked out. This is why you must add red to your formulation to prevent it from going green. This step is frequently missed by new colorists or those that are formulating while on "auto pilot".
Lift 4 levels only
You can lift your hair up to 4 levels IF your hair is "virgin" hair and IF your hair is in very good condition. Once you put permanent hair color on your hair, including box color, you can no longer lift your hair 4 levels with hair color, you must use bleach.
Box color
Box hair color is terrible. It is terrible in quality and it is quite harsh on your hair. Some box colors can make your hair feel as horrible with just a single application than a good professional hair color would make your hair feel after 20 - 30 applications. That's bad huh? Once you put box color on your hair you severely limit what we are able to do to your hair.
"Organic" hair color
There is NO "organic" hair color. I know... they claim that there is, but they are quite tricky in what they actually say. They say that their color is formulated with organic ingredients. That is not to say that the pigments used are natural or organic. This is quite simply deceptive advertising. It is dishonest. They use Aniline dyes just like everybody else and then they add a little organic substance and call their entire product "organic". This is like taking a quart of motor oil and sprinkling a little chamomile tea in it and calling it "organic oil". Very dishonest.
Ammonia Free
Ammonia free hair color uses an ammonia derivative that is worse on the hair than ammonia is and that is much harder to rinse from the hair than ammonia. This is just more trick advertising.
Hair color journey -
Many times you must take a hair color journey to get to your desired color. Why? Because hair is a biological product. And, because hair color products aren't magic.

If you are trying to go from very dark or very stained hair to a very light hair color, it will take you several steps to get there. If you have hair color on your hair, you must use bleach to lighten it. As you can see in the contributing pigment chart you're going to have to go through the reds, the oranges and finally the yellows to get to a light hair color which can take anywhere from 1 bleach treatment to 4 bleach treatments and will then require 1 or 2 toning treatments. This can not be done on the same day or your scalp will become very irritated. The sebaceous oil on your scalp is a protection for your scalp. Once you apply a bleach product and then wash it off you no longer have any protection on your scalp. The only way to regain this protection is to sleep overnight and then begin the second step of your journey the next day or several days later. How many color treatments you need to achieve your desired look depends on how dark your hair is, how stained your hair is, the condition of your hair and the desired color that you want to end up with.
Hair color products aren't magic and you can't simply pick out a color, plop it on your head and end up with the exact color that you wanted. There are also no magic pills that you can take and you'll lose 50 pounds and have the figure you want instantly. Some things simply take time to accomplish.
If you suspect that you are wanting a difficult thing to accomplish, come in and let us see your hair color BEFORE you book your appointment.

MetrOasis LLC Beauty School & Advanced Training Center
4450 Cordova Street #130
Anchorage, AK 99503