MetrOasis LLC Advanced Training Center & Beauty School is the premier boutique beauty school of Alaska, located in mid-town
Anchorage. 907.276.4110

Primal Basic Facial
The MetrOasis Primal Basic Facial is for those that enjoy simple pleasures without feeling that they're missing out on the fun and excitement of life. We have several add-opns that you can use to customize your facial experience so that it suits you perfectly.
*facial cleansing treatment with diatomaceous earth
*toner treatment with cucumber toner
*serum treatment with Vitamin C serum
* facial moisturizing treatment with DMAE
Smoothingh Creme
* facial massage
Our Primal Earth Facial utilizes diatomaceous earth as part of the cleansing/exfoliation process. Diatomaceous earth is made from fossilized remains (silica) of diatoms (microscopic single-celled algae) which are tiny, aquatic organisms. These micro-skelatons have very interesting shapes and textures and make great exfoliation ingredients. The three microscopic photos below are etreme close-up photos of diatom skelatons.